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Political Campaign Signs

The City of Saline has a Sign Ordinance that permits political campaign signs, with certain time, place, and manner regulations, but prohibits such signs on the public right-of-way, except as provided by state election law, as follows:

Sec. 12.08 (4) Political Signs:

  • Signs advocating or opposing a candidate for public office or a position on an issue to be determined at the election, except as prohibited elsewhere in this ordinance, are permitted. Such signs must be removed within ten (10) days following the election. Such signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area per side in residential or professional business areas, or sixteen (16) square feet in area per side in all other areas. With a maximum four (4) feet height to the top of the sign.
  • Political signs shall be permitted in the public right-of-way at the location of the voting place on the day of the election only. Such signs shall conform to state and federal election laws. Such signs shall not be placed in such positions as shall interfere with traffic sight lines. Such signs which do interfere with traffic sights shall be relocated on order of the City traffic engineer, or removed, if not so relocated, as ordered.
  • Political messages on outdoor advertising signs are exempted from this section.
  • Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed so as to prohibit political signs, or other non-commercial advertising, on any sign on which commercial advertising is permitted.

Signs on public rights-of-way will be removed immediately by the Department of Public Works, Zoning Officer, or Police Personnel. If you have any questions, contact the Police Chief at 734-429-7911.